Sunday, 7 October 2012

New nuclear regulation agency lined with nuclear promoters - Japan Press Weekly on September19, 2012       

Akahata on September 26 lodged a strong protest with the Nuclear Regulation authority (NRA) about the authority's policy to shut out some newspapers from news gathering activities…….

The Prime Minister Noda appointed new nuclear power regulation authority members without gaining the parliament’s approval. All the staff working for the NRA is from old system of nuclear power group.There is still luck of transparency - The New nuclear regulation agency banned Akahata newspaper reporters and some free lance journalists to attend their press conference recently.  Akahata newspapers is one of a few newspapers that report the truth about Fukushima.  Also one of very popular radio show called “Tanemaki Journal” was made to stop broadcasting from 1st of October, 2012.  Since Fukushima disaster happened, nuclear engineer Prof. Koide* appeared on the show almost every day to warn the citizens to get out of Fukushima while the government kept saying it’s safe, to inform what was going on in the Daiichi nuclear power station and to answer questions from the listeners.  So many people including me have been benefiting from his knowledge.  I wouldn’t be writing this blog unless I learned so much from him through this show.  

*Mr. Koide works at Kyoto University’s Research Reactor Institute as an assistant professor and has been campaigning against nuclear for over 40 years in Japan.  He published several books to reveal a myth of nuclear power energy, and toured around Japan to give lectures (which are highly popular) to inform citizens the truth about Fukushima disaster and the danger the radiation.
Reference:  The Truth About Nuclear Power



  1. Thanks for the post event staffing agency You should take part in a contest for one of the best blogs on the web. I will recommend this site!

  2. To eventagency11
    Thank you so much for your very encouraging comment. We would like lots of people to know what's happening in Fukushima. We won't repeat the same mistake.
