(Source) http://www.47news.jp/CN/200504/CN2005042401003588.html
【モスクワ24日共同】23日のタス通信によると、1986年に旧ソ連ウクライナ共和国で起きたチェルノブイリ原発事故の被害者でつくるウクライナ の「チェルノブイリ身体障害者同盟」は、事故に関連する同国内の死者が150万人以上に上ったとの調査結果をまとめた。事故発生から19周年となる今月 26日を前に公表した。 調査によると、事故で被ばくした人はウクライナ国内で約350万人で、うち120万人が子供だという。(24/4/2005)Chernobyl Union International in Ukraine published a report of more than 1.5 million deaths as a result of Chernobyl disaster. According to the report no. of victims who were exposed to ionizing radiation was 3.5 million, and 1.2 million children were among them.
*Chernobyl Sufferers in Ukraine and their Social Problems ウクライナにいるチェルノビル事故による被曝者たちと、彼らの社会問題について
(Sources) http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/NSRG/reports/kr21/kr21pdf/Tykhyi.pdf(Abstract Page 2) Evacuation from contaminated areas continued for many years. Plan of Ukrainian Council of Ministers for 1990-1991 previewed evacuation of 45,000 people from contaminated zones. On contaminated territories of Ukraine in 1990 lived about 1.55 million people. All of them were suffering from Chernobyl. 汚染地帯からの避難は、長い年月をかけて、行われ、ウクライナの1990-1991年の閣僚会議計画によると4万5千人が避難とされている。1990年に、汚染地帯に住んでいた人口は、155万人で、全員が、チェルノビル事故による被爆で、苦しむ結果となった。
People in contaminated areas were not allowed to eat wild berries and mushrooms (and this is the terriotry where traditionally "gifts of woods" are very important part of diet), they were not allowed to use milk of their cows and goats, and the traditional economy of collective-farms producing milk, meat, potato, linen collapsed. 汚染地帯の住民は、むかしから、森の贈り物とされてきて、彼らの生活の重要な一部となっていた野生のベリーやマッシュルームを、食用とすることを、禁じられた。 さらに、自分のたちの牛、ヤギのミルクを飲むことも禁じられ、むかしながらに、経済の支えとなってきた農業(牛乳、肉、芋、麻等の生産など)が、破綻せざるおえなくなった。It is hard to say whether evacuated people were in a better situation than those living in contaminated areas (except some limited number of NPP personnel and other privileged categories, who received comfortable apartments in Kyiv and other big cities). 避難した人たちの生活状況は、特別な優遇を、受けて、裕福に暮らしている人たちを、除けば、汚染地帯に残っている人たちと比べて、良いとは、言いがたい。
quality of new settlements, built for the evacuated under a big time pressure
was often very low, and many people were moving back to their houses in evacuation
zone, including the 30-km zone around Chernobyl NPP.
There were direct and obvious
sufferings like loss of houses, forced abortions or diseases caused by thyroid
irradiation. But there were also hidden
losses, like stress, change of life style, uncertainty, etc. And, of course, families of Chernobyl
"liquidators" suffered a lot.(Reference)
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