
Dear all,

Thank you all for visiting, reading and sharing the news with me on the Fukushima Appeal Blog. I’ve kept it running since February 2012. Unfortunately, I will need some break now to attend to some of my health issues.

I would like to thank this blog and its supporters for giving me an opportunity to become a part of the slowly awakening global community during this very important time of global change. I had zero knowledge of nuclear before the Fukushima disaster, and was and still am a just normal citizen. It’s been hard to see Japan becoming a criminal, immoral and authoritarian country since the Fukushima Disaster. So it’s been a huge awakening and healing process to have a platform to speak out instead of feeling powerless, angry and sad about it. With the new secret law that is going to be introduced in Japan soon, Japanese people will need more help than at any other time in its history from foreign bloggers, doctors and scientists. Please remember Fukushima. I hope that the more difficulties we may encounter, the stronger and connected we will become to fight against injustice and be able to act from our heart space. (Mia)

日本の皆さん、がんばってください。 再稼動反対、子供を守れ! 1mSv/yの約束を守れ!

For more Fukushima update go to:,,,,,

Petition: Support Mari Takenouchi and Radiation Protection

日 本の皆様へ、個人的な感情面から、竹ノ内真理さんのことを批判したい方は、すでにそうしたのだから、これからは、その時間とエネルギーをエートス批判に向 けるべきではないでしょうか? そしてボランテイアで、海外に向けて、英語発信する真理さんは、海外の情報源にとって、貴重な存在だと思います。 (Mia)



Urgent Petition: ttp://

National Parents Network to Protect Children from Radiation

I hope that every child in Japan is given comprehensive thyroid blood testing including at the minimum TSH, Free T4, Free T3 and thyroid antibodies. Their thyroid function should be regularly tested on an ongoing basis. “ By Dana Trentini

*latest Fukushima Thyroid examination results released on Nov 12. (Complete English translation) (Source)
National Parents Network to Protect Children from Radiation

*Fuel Removal From Fukushima's Reactor 4 Threatens 'Apocalyptic' Scenario In November, TEPCO set to begin to remove fuel rods whose radiation matches the fallout of 14,000 Hiroshima bombs

*Kashiwazaki Nuclear Plant: Fukushima Governor stands in the way to stop restarting! 柏崎原発:再稼動させないよう立ちはだかる新潟県知事泉田氏

*Statement: Japanese civil society requests that the reports of the United Nations Scientific Committee on Fukushima be revised 日本の64の市民団体が福島事故に関しての国連科学の報告内容を改訂するよう要請 www. tivity/area/worldwide/japanese-civil-society-requests-that-the-reports-of-the-united-nations-scientific-committee-on-fukus/

Anand Grover, Esq., UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, criticizes UNSCEAR report on Fukushima -10/24/2013 (1 of 4)国連「健康に対する権利」の特別報告者のアナンド・グローバー氏: 国連科学の報告を批判 Video - October 24, 2013 (NYC, NY)

*Medical experts criticize UNSCEAR report for playing down consequences of Fukushima nuclear accident ドイツの専門家が国連科学の報告書を、「福島事故の影響を過小評価している」と批判!

*Frightening Report from the UNSCEAR (The United nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation UNSCEAR-国連科学委員会による、恐るべき報告

*Heavily Criticized Recent WHO Report on Health Risk Assessment from the Fukushima Disaster 厳しく批判された最近の福島事故による健康被害についてのWHO報告

*UN Report – Japanese Delegation to The UN Spreads Lies and Deception! 国連報告書2013年4月  国連への日本政府代表団のうそとごまかし! 抗議締め切り517日!

*まとめ:国連報告書2013年4月  国連への日本政府代表団のうそとごまかし! 抗議締め切り517

*A letter to all young athletes who dream of coming to Tokyo in 2020 東京オリンピックを目指している若い選手の方々へ Some Facts You Should Know About Fukushima 0.086Bq/kg was normal amount of ionizing radiation in fish before the Fukushima accident. Now it is 100Bq/kg 1160times more radioactive.

Fukushima Petitions ☢ Please Sign and Share! Japan needs Worldwide Help NOW! Stop Fukushima Radiation – UN Action Needed

Mobilize the U.N. Security Council to declare Fukushima a global emergency;

*Tokyo radiation is worse than Gomel - Mika Noro’s speech on the impact of radiation in Japan

*Police arrest animal rescuers inside Fukushima evacuation zone — “They cannot be contacted and are being charged with crimes”

Resistance posted by Ian Thomas Ash, a director of Fukushima Documantary Film "A2-B-C"

As one does not train with weight that is too light,….. And as I write this, I realize something for the first time: the more I embrace the resistance, the more I am becoming it.


(Japanese translation)

*Fukushima Farmers negotiate with Japanese Government/Tepco 福島農家の若者、政府と東電に対して勇気ある発言 The current government limit is 100Bq/kg... 0.1Bq/kg for cesium in rice before the Fukushima disaster. … We feel guilty about growing it and selling it...

*Atomic bombs survivors received fair compensation, not so in Fukushima!


The Japanese Gov recognizes radiation related illnesses!

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Nuclear Workers and Fukushima Residents at Risk: Cancer Expert on the Fukushima Situation  原発作業員と福島住民のさらされる危険−−ガン専門家の福島観

(Editor's note) Mr. Masamichi Nishio was resigned from a head of the Hokkaido Cancer center and has been working as an honorary director.  Mr. Nishio is one of a few doctors who has been commenting on the danger of internal exposure to ionizing radiation right from the start, soon after the Fukushima disaster. 

Mr. Masamichi Nishio's blog

Matthew Penney  1/7/11
Jul. 01, 2011
Jul. 01, 2011
Japan's leading business journal Toyo Keizai has published an article by Hokkaido Cancer Center director Nishio Masamichi, a radiation treatment specialist. The piece, entitled “The Problem of Radiation Exposure Countermeasures for the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Concerns for the Present Situation”, was published on June 27 and is consistent with the critical coverage of the Fukushima crisis that has appeared in independent weekly magazines, notably Shukan Kinyobi, which have taken a strong anti-nuclear stance since the March 11 earthquake-tsunami-meltdown, and have repeatedly focused on the dangers of radiation exposure while calling for far-reaching measures to protect those at risk.
Mr. Nishio begins by asserting that the Fukushima crisis has caused Japan’s “myth of nuclear safety” to crumble. He has “grave concern” for the public health effects of the ongoing radiation leak.
Mr. Nishio originally called for “calm” in the days after the accident. Now, he argues, that as the gravity of the situation at the plant has become more clear, the specter of long-term radiation exposure must be reckoned with.
Lamenting the poor state of public knowledge of radiation, Mr. Nishio writes, “Japan, with its history of having suffered radiation exposure from the atomic bombs, should have the most [direct] knowledge of radiation, but in fact, in the approach to the nuclear accident, has simply fallen into confusion.” He places blame on a number of groups:
  1. TEPCO executives, who he accuses of having hidden the truth and prioritized the survival of the company over public health.
  2. Bureaucrats who were unable to put together an accurate body of information about radiation effects from which to formulate policy.
  3. A prime minister and cabinet lacking both leadership and an appropriate sense of urgency.
  4. Politicians who sought to use the crisis in intra- or inter-party struggles.
  5. Nuclear industry lobbyists and “academic flunkies” (goyo gakusha) of the government who built up the myth of nuclear safety in the first place.
-Looking at these groups, he writes, “I just cannot feel any hope for Japan’s future. These circumstances are simply tragic.”
He leaves the press out of his main list of culprits, but points to the poor state of scientific knowledge among journalists as a major factor behind what he views as their inability to bring essential information to the public in a timely manner. He also accuses the media establishment of prioritizing “avoiding a panic” over “communicating the truth”.
Mr. Nishio provides a blunt and hard-hitting specialist perspective on major government decisions. Here is a summary of some of his major points:

  1. He accuses the authorities of prioritizing their own convenience over the lives of nuclear workers. Nishio argues that raising the exposure limit from 100 mSv to 250 mSv can have serious health effects. He also states that reports of poor food and sleeping conditions for workers show that “… they are not even being treated like human beings.”
  2. The JSDF helicopters that dropped water on the Fukushima Daiichi reactors and spent fuel pools in the days after March 11 were outfitted with the types of radiation shields used in hospital x-ray rooms. Nisho says that this  was akin to “putting on a lead helmet in order to protect yourself from radiation from space”. The planners, he argues, did not even understand the difference between airborne radiation from a nuclear accident and radiation used in the controlled environment of hospital treatment.
  3. Referring to “protective” suits is a misnomer bordering on fraud in Nishio’s view since nothing can offer total protection from radiation exposure.
  4. A lack of nutrition and rest can make workers more susceptible to radiation symptoms. Nishio speculates that having the workers sleep together in gymnasium-like barracks with no privacy is simply designed to keep them from running away. Just 30 minutes from the site, he points out, there are empty hotels which could offer those on the front line a quiet, secure place to rest and recuperate.
  5. He accuses TEPCO of being up to the old tricks of the nuclear industry: giving dispatch and temporary workers broken radiation monitors, only giving them monitoring devices when they are working despite high levels of radiation throughout the site, and so on.
  6. Without accurate assessment of internal radiation exposure through “whole body monitoring”, there is no way to tell how much exposure workers are actually suffering.
  7. Measures must also be taken to gauge different types of exposure (i.e. alpha rays from plutonium and beta rays from strontium).
  8. Around 5000 workers have worked at the site since March. This number is high, but if radiation release continues, 100 or even 1000 times that number may be needed over time.
  9. The MOX fuel in reactor number 3 is particularly dangerous but Nishio doubts that special measures to protect workers are being taken. 
  10. “Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Harvest” treatment has been put forward by doctors as a way to minimize the chances of bone marrow deterioration among workers, but this was turned down by the Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan. Nishio asserts that this is evidence that they simply do not grasp the severity of the situation.
  11. Apart from the iodine that they are being given, workers should also be taking Radiogardase (Prussian blue insoluble capsules). Not working to bring together the best preventative medicine, Nishio asserts angrily, is an example of “graveyard governance”.

Fukushima Residents:
  1. The threat to public health is not simply a matter of distance from Fukushima. Wind patterns and topography are even more important.
  2. The release of data from the expensive SPEEDI system, was delayed until March 23. This delay resulted in unnecessary radiation exposure. “It is only conceivable that the high rate of radiation released was not reported because of fears of a panic.”
  3. Former Minister for Internal Affairs Haraguchi Kazuhiro has alleged that radiation monitoring station data was actually three decimal places greater than the numbers released to the public. If this is true, it constitutes a “national crime”, in Nishio’s words. He follows with, “Giving us the truth once is much more important than saying ‘hang in there Japan!’ a million times.”
  4. According to Japanese law, the rate of radiation exposure permitted for ordinary citizens is 1 mSv / year. This has been raised to 20 mSv / year in a “time of crisis”. Such a dramatic increase in permitted exposure is akin to “taking the lives of the people lightly”. Nishio believes that 20 mSv is too high, especially for children who are far more susceptible to the effects of radiation.
  5. Even more important than a permitted 20 mSv exposure rate, however, is the lack of adequate provision for measuring internal radiation exposure among the Fukushima population.
  6. The American Academy of Sciences 2008 “Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation” report claims that there is no safe level of radiation exposure. Despite this and other examples of leading research, however, the Japanese government has moved on the assumption that there is no evidence for increased cancer risk at under 100 mSv of exposure. The European Committee on Radiation Risk argues that existing risk models do not take internal exposure into account. High rates of internal exposure will mean a dramatic increase in cancer risk for Fukushima residents, with as many as 400,000 cases predicted by 2061. Nishio argues, however, that these calculations rest on some shaky assumptions and that the number is too high. He believes strongly, however, that internal radiation exposure must be taken seriously by the Japanese government.
  7. Comparing the 6.9 mSv exposure from a CT scan to a similar amount of radiation exposure outside of a controlled environment is misleading. Long term exposure and internal exposure can have unpredictable effects on the human body. Comparisons with radiation used in cancer treatment are also scientifically shaky.
  8. The large amounts of radioactive waste water at the Fukushima Daiichi site will contaminate the soil and water supplies, significantly increasing the risk of internal radiation exposure.
- See more at:
Fukushima Residents:
  1. The threat to public health is not simply a matter of distance from Fukushima. Wind patterns and topography are even more important.
  2. The release of data from the expensive SPEEDI system, was delayed until March 23. This delay resulted in unnecessary radiation exposure. “It is only conceivable that the high rate of radiation released was not reported because of fears of a panic.”
  3. Former Minister for Internal Affairs Haraguchi Kazuhiro has alleged that radiation monitoring station data was actually three decimal places greater than the numbers released to the public. If this is true, it constitutes a “national crime”, in Nishio’s words. He follows with, “Giving us the truth once is much more important than saying ‘hang in there Japan!’ a million times.”
  4. According to Japanese law, the rate of radiation exposure permitted for ordinary citizens is 1 mSv / year. This has been raised to 20 mSv / year in a “time of crisis”. Such a dramatic increase in permitted exposure is akin to “taking the lives of the people lightly”. Nishio believes that 20 mSv is too high, especially for children who are far more susceptible to the effects of radiation.
  5. Even more important than a permitted 20 mSv exposure rate, however, is the lack of adequate provision for measuring internal radiation exposure among the Fukushima population.
  6. The American Academy of Sciences 2008 “Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation” report claims that there is no safe level of radiation exposure. Despite this and other examples of leading research, however, the Japanese government has moved on the assumption that there is no evidence for increased cancer risk at under 100 mSv of exposure. The European Committee on Radiation Risk argues that existing risk models do not take internal exposure into account. High rates of internal exposure will mean a dramatic increase in cancer risk for Fukushima residents, with as many as 400,000 cases predicted by 2061. Nishio argues, however, that these calculations rest on some shaky assumptions and that the number is too high. He believes strongly, however, that internal radiation exposure must be taken seriously by the Japanese government.
  7. Comparing the 6.9 mSv exposure from a CT scan to a similar amount of radiation exposure outside of a controlled environment is misleading. Long term exposure and internal exposure can have unpredictable effects on the human body. Comparisons with radiation used in cancer treatment are also scientifically shaky.
  8. The large amounts of radioactive waste water at the Fukushima Daiichi site will contaminate the soil and water supplies, significantly increasing the risk of internal radiation exposure.

Fukushima Residents:
  1. The threat to public health is not simply a matter of distance from Fukushima. Wind patterns and topography are even more important.
  2. The release of data from the expensive SPEEDI system, was delayed until March 23. This delay resulted in unnecessary radiation exposure. “It is only conceivable that the high rate of radiation released was not reported because of fears of a panic.”
  3. Former Minister for Internal Affairs Haraguchi Kazuhiro has alleged that radiation monitoring station data was actually three decimal places greater than the numbers released to the public. If this is true, it constitutes a “national crime”, in Nishio’s words. He follows with, “Giving us the truth once is much more important than saying ‘hang in there Japan!’ a million times.”
  4. According to Japanese law, the rate of radiation exposure permitted for ordinary citizens is 1 mSv / year. This has been raised to 20 mSv / year in a “time of crisis”. Such a dramatic increase in permitted exposure is akin to “taking the lives of the people lightly”. Nishio believes that 20 mSv is too high, especially for children who are far more susceptible to the effects of radiation.
  5. Even more important than a permitted 20 mSv exposure rate, however, is the lack of adequate provision for measuring internal radiation exposure among the Fukushima population.
  6. The American Academy of Sciences 2008 “Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation” report claims that there is no safe level of radiation exposure. Despite this and other examples of leading research, however, the Japanese government has moved on the assumption that there is no evidence for increased cancer risk at under 100 mSv of exposure. The European Committee on Radiation Risk argues that existing risk models do not take internal exposure into account. High rates of internal exposure will mean a dramatic increase in cancer risk for Fukushima residents, with as many as 400,000 cases predicted by 2061. Nishio argues, however, that these calculations rest on some shaky assumptions and that the number is too high. He believes strongly, however, that internal radiation exposure must be taken seriously by the Japanese government.
  7. Comparing the 6.9 mSv exposure from a CT scan to a similar amount of radiation exposure outside of a controlled environment is misleading. Long term exposure and internal exposure can have unpredictable effects on the human body. Comparisons with radiation used in cancer treatment are also scientifically shaky.
  8. The large amounts of radioactive waste water at the Fukushima Daiichi site will contaminate the soil and water supplies, significantly increasing the risk of internal radiation exposure.
- See more at:

Fukushima Residents:
  1. The threat to public health is not simply a matter of distance from Fukushima. Wind patterns and topography are even more important.
  2. The release of data from the expensive SPEEDI system, was delayed until March 23. This delay resulted in unnecessary radiation exposure. “It is only conceivable that the high rate of radiation released was not reported because of fears of a panic.”
  3. Former Minister for Internal Affairs Haraguchi Kazuhiro has alleged that radiation monitoring station data was actually three decimal places greater than the numbers released to the public. If this is true, it constitutes a “national crime”, in Nishio’s words. He follows with, “Giving us the truth once is much more important than saying ‘hang in there Japan!’ a million times.”
  4. According to Japanese law, the rate of radiation exposure permitted for ordinary citizens is 1 mSv / year. This has been raised to 20 mSv / year in a “time of crisis”. Such a dramatic increase in permitted exposure is akin to “taking the lives of the people lightly”. Nishio believes that 20 mSv is too high, especially for children who are far more susceptible to the effects of radiation.
  5. Even more important than a permitted 20 mSv exposure rate, however, is the lack of adequate provision for measuring internal radiation exposure among the Fukushima population.
  6. The American Academy of Sciences 2008 “Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation” report claims that there is no safe level of radiation exposure. Despite this and other examples of leading research, however, the Japanese government has moved on the assumption that there is no evidence for increased cancer risk at under 100 mSv of exposure. The European Committee on Radiation Risk argues that existing risk models do not take internal exposure into account. High rates of internal exposure will mean a dramatic increase in cancer risk for Fukushima residents, with as many as 400,000 cases predicted by 2061. Nishio argues, however, that these calculations rest on some shaky assumptions and that the number is too high. He believes strongly, however, that internal radiation exposure must be taken seriously by the Japanese government.
  7. Comparing the 6.9 mSv exposure from a CT scan to a similar amount of radiation exposure outside of a controlled environment is misleading. Long term exposure and internal exposure can have unpredictable effects on the human body. Comparisons with radiation used in cancer treatment are also scientifically shaky.
  8. The large amounts of radioactive waste water at the Fukushima Daiichi site will contaminate the soil and water supplies, significantly increasing the risk of internal radiation exposure.
- See more at:

Necessary Countermeasures:
  1. Among people living in the same area, rates of exposure can vary greatly based on lifestyle and movement patterns. As a result, it is important that every resident in at risk areas be given a device to monitor personal radiation exposure. Apart from protecting individuals and allowing them to make informed decisions about their safety, the data gathered can be used in future medical research and in court cases that will no doubt originate from the Fukushima Daiichi accident.
  2. There is little conclusive scientific data on the risks of low level radiation exposure. The government, however, must not let this turn into a case of “we don’t know so we can assume it is safe”. On the contrary, Nishio argues that it is necessary to proceed under the assumption “we don’t know so we must assume that it is dangerous”.
  3. Residents must be given real time radiation data as well as the best possible advice about how to decrease their exposure.
  4. While there are limits to what this can achieve, dirt from schoolyards should be regularly removed and replaced.
  5. Strontium 90, which has a half-life of 28.7 years and can have a serious impact on child bone development, must be carefully measured.
  6. In planning of future solutions, radiation effects on the body should take priority over the potential stresses associated with relocation.
  7. The government should buy houses and land in irradiated areas at pre-crisis market value and provide additional aid for resettlement. Cleanup measures should be undertaken and when the areas become safe, the government should sell property back at reduced rates. A respect for both present necessity and the deep attachment that many have to land that has been in their families for many generations is necessary if the government wants to convince nuclear refugees that they are being treated fairly.
  8. The government should make every effort to provide accurate information, but should not forcibly remove elderly residents who wish to remain in their homes.

Some Radical Thoughts:
  1. The current crisis has called the very foundation of Japanese society into question. An unprecedented crisis calls for new ideas.
  2. Dependence on nuclear energy, which was slated to fulfill 50% of Japan’s energy needs in the future, must be rethought.
  3. Nuclear energy and energy policy have never been adequately debated in Japan. Those with a vested interest in nuclear energy were able to build up the “myth of nuclear safety” virtually unchallenged and they continuously covered up “inconvenient facts”.
  4. Energy demands will continue to increase and simply trying to convince the public to reduce energy use will not be enough. Now is the time for new debate about how to meet Japan’s energy needs while moving away from nuclear power.

Nishio’s article provides a realistic, nuanced portrait of the problems currently facing Fukushima and Japan. The Japanese government has addressed some of them on a limited scale, but serious deficiencies remain. Nishio’s powerful statement, however, appearing in a major establishment outlet, is indicative of a shift in public discussion of radiation issues as more critical Japanese scientists outside of the circle of “academic flunkies” (goyo gakusha) make their voices heard.
Nishio’s article provides a realistic, nuanced portrait of the problems currently facing Fukushima and Japan. The Japanese government has addressed some of them on a limited scale, but serious deficiencies remain. Nishio’s powerful statement, however, appearing in a major establishment outlet, is indicative of a shift in public discussion of radiation issues as more critical Japanese scientists outside of the circle of “academic flunkies” (goyo gakusha) make their voices heard.

- See more at:

Matthew Penney

Japan's leading business journal Toyo Keizai has published an article by Hokkaido Cancer Center director Nishio Masamichi, a radiation treatment specialist. The piece, entitled “The Problem of Radiation Exposure Countermeasures for the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Concerns for the Present Situation”, was published on June 27 and is consistent with the critical coverage of the Fukushima crisis that has appeared in independent weekly magazines, notably Shukan Kinyobi, which have taken a strong anti-nuclear stance since the March 11 earthquake-tsunami-meltdown, and have repeatedly focused on the dangers of radiation exposure while calling for far-reaching measures to protect those at risk.

Nishio begins by asserting that the Fukushima crisis has caused Japan’s “myth of nuclear safety” to crumble. He has “grave concern” for the public health effects of the ongoing radiation leak.

Nishio originally called for “calm” in the days after the accident. Now, he argues, that as the gravity of the situation at the plant has become more clear, the specter of long-term radiation exposure must be reckoned with.

Lamenting the poor state of public knowledge of radiation, Nishio writes, “Japan, with its history of having suffered radiation exposure from the atomic bombs, should have the most [direct] knowledge of radiation, but in fact, in the approach to the nuclear accident, has simply fallen into confusion.” He places blame on a number of groups:
  1. TEPCO executives, who he accuses of having hidden the truth and prioritized the survival of the company over public health.
  2. Bureaucrats who were unable to put together an accurate body of information about radiation effects from which to formulate policy.
  3. A prime minister and cabinet lacking both leadership and an appropriate sense of urgency.
  4. Politicians who sought to use the crisis in intra- or inter-party struggles.
  5. Nuclear industry lobbyists and “academic flunkies” (goyo gakusha) of the government who built up the myth of nuclear safety in the first place.
- See more at:

Matthew Penney

Japan's leading business journal Toyo Keizai has published an article by Hokkaido Cancer Center director Nishio Masamichi, a radiation treatment specialist. The piece, entitled “The Problem of Radiation Exposure Countermeasures for the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Concerns for the Present Situation”, was published on June 27 and is consistent with the critical coverage of the Fukushima crisis that has appeared in independent weekly magazines, notably Shukan Kinyobi, which have taken a strong anti-nuclear stance since the March 11 earthquake-tsunami-meltdown, and have repeatedly focused on the dangers of radiation exposure while calling for far-reaching measures to protect those at risk.

Nishio begins by asserting that the Fukushima crisis has caused Japan’s “myth of nuclear safety” to crumble. He has “grave concern” for the public health effects of the ongoing radiation leak.

Nishio originally called for “calm” in the days after the accident. Now, he argues, that as the gravity of the situation at the plant has become more clear, the specter of long-term radiation exposure must be reckoned with.

Lamenting the poor state of public knowledge of radiation, Nishio writes, “Japan, with its history of having suffered radiation exposure from the atomic bombs, should have the most [direct] knowledge of radiation, but in fact, in the approach to the nuclear accident, has simply fallen into confusion.” He places blame on a number of groups:
  1. TEPCO executives, who he accuses of having hidden the truth and prioritized the survival of the company over public health.
  2. Bureaucrats who were unable to put together an accurate body of information about radiation effects from which to formulate policy.
  3. A prime minister and cabinet lacking both leadership and an appropriate sense of urgency.
  4. Politicians who sought to use the crisis in intra- or inter-party struggles.
  5. Nuclear industry lobbyists and “academic flunkies” (goyo gakusha) of the government who built up the myth of nuclear safety in the first place.
- See more at:
Jul. 01, 2011

Matthew Penney

Japan's leading business journal Toyo Keizai has published an article by Hokkaido Cancer Center director Nishio Masamichi, a radiation treatment specialist. The piece, entitled “The Problem of Radiation Exposure Countermeasures for the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Concerns for the Present Situation”, was published on June 27 and is consistent with the critical coverage of the Fukushima crisis that has appeared in independent weekly magazines, notably Shukan Kinyobi, which have taken a strong anti-nuclear stance since the March 11 earthquake-tsunami-meltdown, and have repeatedly focused on the dangers of radiation exposure while calling for far-reaching measures to protect those at risk.

Nishio begins by asserting that the Fukushima crisis has caused Japan’s “myth of nuclear safety” to crumble. He has “grave concern” for the public health effects of the ongoing radiation leak.

Nishio originally called for “calm” in the days after the accident. Now, he argues, that as the gravity of the situation at the plant has become more clear, the specter of long-term radiation exposure must be reckoned with.

Lamenting the poor state of public knowledge of radiation, Nishio writes, “Japan, with its history of having suffered radiation exposure from the atomic bombs, should have the most [direct] knowledge of radiation, but in fact, in the approach to the nuclear accident, has simply fallen into confusion.” He places blame on a number of groups:
- See more at:

Japanese public nervous, in the dark, as TEPCO struggles to manage Fukushima’s crippled nuclear reactors 東電は福島原発事故の収束に見通しが立たず、日本国民を不安に!

Japanese utility, and the public, in dark about crippled nuclear plant Tokyo Times,  Jul 30, 2013 * Tokyo Electric Power confronts many unknowns at crippled plant
* Japanese public also in the dark over clean-up, say critics
* Utility says radiation makes it hard to reach all parts of facility
* Says trying to explain clean-up problems to the public
* Chair of third party panel blames incompetence, not deliberate policy
By Antoni Slodkowski and Mari Saito
- Two and a half years after the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, the operator of Japan’s wrecked Fukushima plant faces a daunting array of unknowns.
Why the plant intermittently emits steam; how groundwater seeps into its basement; whether fixes to the cooling system will hold; how nearby groundwater is contaminated by radioactive matter; how toxic water ends up in the sea and how to contain water that could overwhelm the facility’s storage tanks.
What is clear, say critics, is that Tokyo Electric Power Co is keeping a nervous Japanese public in the dark about what it does know.
The inability of the utility, known as Tepco, to get to grips with the situation raises questions over whether it can successfully decommission the Fukushima Daiichi plant, say industry experts and analysts.
“They let people know about the good things and hide the bad things. This culture of cover up hasn’t changed since the disaster,” said Atsushi Kasai, a former researcher at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute.
Tepco’s handling of the clean-up has complicated Japan’s efforts to restart its 50 nuclear power plants, almost all of which have been idled since the disaster over local community  concerns about safety……
Tepco’s improvised efforts to stop radioactive water leaking into the sea include sinking an 800-meter-long steel barrier along the coastline, injecting the ground with solidifying chemicals and possibly even freezing the ground with technology used in subway-tunnel construction.
Industry experts are not impressed.
“You can’t do temporary fixes in nuclear power,” said Goto. “They say everything’s fine until bad data comes out.”

Deposition to UNESCO from a nuclear researcher and UK based blogger - DEAD LINE TODAY!

by Arclight2011part2
published by
I live in the UK and just over 2 Years ago I was working as a London motorcycle despatch rider, delivering small but urgent supplies around the UK. Even though there was a difficult financial position in the country I was doing well and had a stable financial situation and my Taxes and debts were being well-managed.
Then in March 2011, there was a disaster at Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant. As a European with experience of Chernobyl, I expected that milk and leafy vegetables would be off the menu for a few months while the iodine 131 became inert. But that didn’t happen, even though Euractive reported that pregnant women and young children avoid milk and leafy vegetables. Though CRIIRAD of France reported this issue in 12 April 2011, no other media reported it and so these vulnerable groups in Europe or America were not informed and were put at risk.
I decided that in mid April of 2011, as the media censorship began, to begin to blog and research the actual situation on the ground in Japan and elsewhere. I discovered layers of cover ups and lies. So I attempted to find the truth of the matter for myself with my fellow bloggers on
I began posting on for a year or so and had been personally hacked twice concerning my mobile phone and found out that after being hacked by a private person/s that an investigation had been started on me instead of the offending IP address that Vodaphone had captured of one of the hackers. My other hack was by the Police and was admitted to me via my local Police station in Twickenham. I have crime numbers for both these incidents.
Also, my British Telecom land line and broadband had a ” box” fitted after i changed a modem and i was told this by an Indian out of hours phone worker. After that call i was unable to access the out of hours service and had to wait to sort out problems Monday to Friday and only during office hours.
During this initial period I started to support Christopher Busby the scientist. As I tried to blog his videos articles etc, situations such as having my broadband switched off and on other occasions I developed internet problems. This resulted in me having to post an urgent article on the blog by going to the local library and using that on an anonymous “visitors pass” to use the internet.
After I signed on to my blog and posted the article the library computer screen “jumped” around about after 5 minutes, but i had posted the article.. The next time I went to use the Library (Teddington) they had changed their policy and had been told by the Richmond Council IT manager to NOT use the temporary passes. You have to input your ID into the system first , rendering the Library system useless to activist posters and researchers in the UK who are on the Domestic Extremist Database (NDEU).
I also sent researched information to various NGO`s in support of their aims and objectives ie. CRIN UK and various Japanese NGO`s
My mobile was hacked by non government sources and my data charges went up as they were repeatedly checking the emails via my phone. The Vodaphone engineer recommended I turn off my mobile data as that would be the only way it could be stopped. This limited my access to Facebook, Twitter and other sources of instant media contact.
I tried getting a new phone and sim. This was effective for 2 days . My texts and connection got worse after a call to my friend.
After i started posting on in September 2012, I was targeted by Aviva insurance for massive rate hikes and threats to dissolve cover giving me no valid reasons . This stopped me paying a tax bill and threatened my work situation. Aviva insures the nuclear industry.
It might also be worth pointing out that the heads of Military Intelligence 5 and 6 are offered directorships on Insurance and financial corporations as well as supplying security advice and logistics as well as a way into TEMPORA/PRISM to mitigate insurance liabilities such as at the Fukushima Daichi nuclear meltdowns and the BP Gulf oil spill.
MI5 now overseas the Domestic Extremist database in the UK.
I was placed on the Domestic extremist database and have had unfair treatment, I believe, resulting in points and fines for minor motoring infractions. This never happened before as I had a clean licence and good insurance history. I was also a priority driver due to the nature of my work with the NHS etc.
I have received unusual threatening phone calls from Aviva Insurance underwriters too. It is worth noting, and worryingly, Aviva were able to cancel my insurance by text as I was riding my motorbike whilst i was delivering urgent blood to the NHS laboratories. I only discovered it when I got home some hours later. If I had gone past an ANPR camera I would have immediately lost the motorcycle according to UK law. To get the insurance cover, I had a quote of a 300 percent increase in my motorcycle work policy and no real answers as to why? I had to accept the decision or have no insurance.
My home line dialled the police phone number even though I typed in a USA number.
The police intercepted an outgoing call and answered it pretending to be one of my employers (the Daily Mail)
I had my online Vodaphone account hacked for data information and then was blocked for getting in as a spiteful action (likely by private security for the energy companies).
Friends have unusual internet problems and wonder if it is me to blame. This loses me friends as friends withdraw to protect themselves. This includes family too.
Many of my anti nuke and human rights websites I contact have strange problems and are obviously hacked or their email doesn’t work.
Some video evidence of that here;
I have had a number of emails accounts hacked including one based in Iceland (that i thought was safe). Also, emails I send to people probably often do not get there or I do not often get a reply.
my emails seem to work well enough with people I contact regularly but not always but I think that people I contact now and again may not receive mail. It’s really hard to tell but I rarely get a courtesy “received” email or reply.. I have very long delays sometimes on online messaging services. Odd problems with You Tube occur as well, especially disappearing comments and personal messages.
There is some hard evidence of email blocking .
I had a computer burn out and the following week I saw someone messing remotely with my other computer. Afterwards the other computers registry had been corrupted to stop the internet working (i actually saw the remote operator accessing windows programmes and saw the mouse moving on its own volition). I quickly learnt Linux on a newly acquired laptop and have seen a number of improvements.
I also recieved a similar email to the Bahraini activists who found FINSPY attached. I unfortunately opened the email on the hacked and now completely destroyed Windows OS computer.
I also, strongly believe that the security services or some private contractor contacted one of my main employers and got me laid off for posting a George Galloway MP article. There is some good evidence for this.
I have now got to the point of being made homeless and owing debts. I had arranged to sort out the debts in 3 months but the financial organisations reneged on the agreements and I have got many calls and letters even though no court judgements are yet in place. Though that will change soon. Then the debt collection firms will target me.
I will have to live rough and earn only cash jobs. This limits my options in the recession hit UK. I feel that I want to stay and fight this oppression in the UK as it is worrying how someone’s life can be ruined at the touch of a button, a phone call or a keystroke. I have friends and family in the UK and want to fight for their freedoms and privacies as well as others.
It might be worth noting that I was refused insurance for a camper van by 6 insurance companies.
As someone who has done an MA level university course in psychology (Brunel UK) i feel i should comment on the psychological impacts of these strategies on the poor unsuspecting blogger or journalist.
During the course of my blogging i have been fortunate to talk with professional journalists who have commended me on accumulating articles that the main stream media misses. They may not agree with everything I post but they appreciate at least some of my research. They have told me that they are unable to write the sort of posts i present as the media outlets will not touch anything that might effect the advertisers or costs from legal challenges by corporations and governments. This leaves Journalists fearing for their jobs, mortgages, at risk of intimidation and in some cases worrying for their lives.
This leaves the blogger posting from safer countries as the means of getting neglected news to the masses. Many of these articles are to do with human rights and censored subjects such as nuclear issues as well as a raft of other areas to do with health, rights and well being.
As the blogger gets noticed by the censors, it appears that he or she will receive more overt surveillance practises such as echo on the phone or disruption of the internet. This would be the first stages of open harassment by the state.
The next level of surveillance appears to be things like hacking on-line phone accounts and intercepting calls and the police pretending to be employers (to acquire information or just plain terrify the person targeted). In my case it would appear that private security firms can get involved at this stage, with separate data mining operations as well as the national security services efforts.
The third level is a direct action approach using subtle threats during phone calls and financial attack using any weaknesses. In my case this was very successful and made me homeless and un-creditworthy (after many years of successful business) within about 6 months.
For anyone thus attacked they will then have to rely on their friends and family. But there is a dilemma. In an age of well published state hacking, especially in the UK, where extremists families and friends will be targeted for “Data mining” as had happened to me and others.
Some evidence has become apparent that my family in Norway were targeted to let me know the reach of this surveillance and hacking system .
Of course for most bloggers doing this sort of work need to consider the people around them and have to withdraw contact for the privacy and safety of their friends and family. Even encrypted emails show a link that can be assessed by a security analyst. This sort of power sends a chilling effect to people around activists in the UK.
And a normal response might be to find like minded people or groups  to get support from, but there is so much politics and differing aims and objectives that not all activists are catered for within the limited fractured groups. Also, the UK police have been placing agitators in these groups rendering them largely untrustworthy by most activists.

So many activists and bloggers are forced to work largely on their own with little protection from excess policing or targeting by private security firms employed by states and corporations.
Here is an example of the director of an Australian Uranium mining company called Palladin using the services of a UK based legal corporate firm called Ashursts attacking the blog i post on at The attack is aimed at the 75 year old retired owner. had only 130 subscribers worldwide at the time! The newspaper had to withdraw the article in support of the bloggers right to freedom of expression.
This legal matter is ongoing, but will it may effect our position as being in good standing with google, to being filtered out, even without a court case?
The UK is also bringing in an internet filter that may be used to block access to certain websites including those deemed “extremist”, the same word that is used in connection with many community and environmental groups etc. Indeed the same word that has obviously been applied to me also.
This will have a particular chilling effect on our young people if they are denied the alternative voice and have to rely on corporate and government guided media for their information concerning national and world issues until they are 18. The loose definition of words and meanings cause fear and uncertainty and cause alarm concerning the informed intellectual capacity of our youth in the future..
Added to the fact that the media is often showing these groups in the worst light to the public at large, this further alienates the activist or blogger from friends and potential allies. Information that these bloggers try to get out is slandered as the catch all “conspiracy” theory or simply ill informed. Added to that powerful media outlets pour out  stories as counter claim against activists concerns without the opportunity for balanced informed and unmoderated democratic discussion.
I will stop here concerning the psychological impacts on individuals and groups as this part of my deposition requires too much space and i suspect UNESCO has a few psychologists and sociologists that will add to this UNESCO report i am sure.
I hope this deposition will reach you and I hope it will be useful to for your report.
Can you confirm your remit or limitations on this deposition concerning the anti nuclear activists component in particular? And send me a note of confirmation of receipt of this email?
This is the link i am worrying about and hope that i will not be censored owing to “certain limitations”.
“…The International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognize that they may find it necessary to apply certain limitations for the safeguarding of confidential information furnished to them…”
Many thanks for your efforts on behalf of bloggers and journalists
Yours sincerely

Monday, 29 July 2013

Honorary director of Hokkaido cancer center “Primary radiology will no longer be developed in JP”


On 5/12/2013, honorary director of Hokkaido cancer center, Mr. Masamichi Nishio commented primary radiology will no longer be developed in Japan. He had a speech in Koriyama city Fukushima.
He stated,
Primary radiology is not profitable, most of the universities stopped investing into the study since Japanese national universities became independent administrative corporation. Radiation Effects Research Foundation dominated the study by spending budget of the ministries. However, they only employ the researchers from “pro-nuclear” side. Primary radiology can’t be expected to develop as science anymore.
Last Autumn, a person from Fukushima died. He left his will to offer his organs for dissection of primary radiology. 
However there is no institute to dissect his organs and analyze for radionuclides in Japan. 

*Wholebody counter has been used for cover-up for the danger of internal exposure Part 3

Sunday, 28 July 2013

More than 1,900 Fukushima nuke plant workers exposed to radiation, not 178 as operator claimed


(07-22 10:57)

More than 1,900 Japanese workers at the Fukushima nuclear plant that exploded last year and still leaking dangerous radioactive materials to the ocean, have been exposed to unsafe levels of radiation in their thyroid glands, media reports said.
Their radiation levels are more than 10 times the number previously announced by the plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), The Asahi Shimbun reported.
TEPCO had reported in December that radiation doses topped 100 millisieverts -- the widely accepted threshold for an increase in the risk of cancer -- in 178 people, with a maximum reading of 11,800 millisieverts.
But that number covered only a fraction of those who have been exposed. The workers themselves say TEPCO has provided little or no information about radiation doses in their thyroid glands. The new figure is based on a review of an expanded number of study subjects.
TEPCO and its partner companies not only re-evaluated the readings from thyroid gland dose tests, but they also estimated doses when the amount of radioactive iodine that entered the body was unavailable. These estimates were based on cesium intake amounts, the airborne iodine-to-cesium ratio on the days they worked, and other data.
The latest study showed that doses topped the 100-millisievert mark in 1,973 workers. In one worker, the estimated thyroid gland dose increased by more than 1,000 millisieverts during the review.
A thyroid gland dose reflects the amount of internal exposure to radioactive iodine that has entered the body through inhalation and other processes, the paper said.
It took TEPCO 28 months since the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, caused the nuclear disaster to learn that so many workers have been exposed to cancer-inducing levels of radiation doses in their thyroid glands.

*Fukushima cancer risk to workers, thyroid cancer to older people 

Wholebody counter has been used for cover-up for the danger of internal exposure Part 3

Mr. Masamichi Nishio is one of a few doctors who has been commenting on the danger of internal exposure to ionizing radiation right from the start, soon after the Fukushima disaster. He is former head of the Cancer Centre in Sapporo in Hokkaido.  He also works at Kyodo Clinic in Fukushima city occasionally. The Kyodo Clillnic is the only independent clinic in Fukushima prefecture and it is run by citizens and on donations. 
Mr. Nishio gives the service of measuring radiation the level using a wholebody counter.  It takes 30 min. while the one run at hospitals and clinic that has connection with the Fuksuhima Health Survey including Hirata Central Hopital (Prof. Hayano is in charge) only measure for 2-5 min. (  The longer the time of measurement and more acurrately the machine can detect  radiation from the body. 
Mrs. Nishio runs the WBC measurement service at his cancer centre once a week.  Because it takes 30min, he can only do 10 people a week.  Also, if people in Fukushima prefecture would like to go to his clinic, travelling costs would be more than £150.  And the cost is not free while hospitals that have ties with the Fukushima Health Survey are free for under 18 years old. Therefore, only people who could afford to pay the cost could come to his centre. 

(Editor's note) 
With the above reasons we should re-evaluate any data or reports that are based on wholebody counter measured by the Fukushima Health Survey.
*Prof.Hayano said "No children were exposed to internal radiation" but now 27 children developed thyroid cancer!

*Prof.Hayano said "No children were exposed to internal radiation" 福島の住民内部被曝、15歳以下ゼロ 12年5月以降   11/4/2013 Nikkei Shimbun

Japanese government forcing society to act as if nothing has happened Greenpeace Japan グリンピースジャパン - 日本政府は、国民に対して、見せかけの安全性を強要している!


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Controversies on WBC Study by Tokyo University 東大WBC研究の矛盾点

VI) 東大WBC研究の矛盾点Controversies on WBC Study by Tokyo University
Controversies on WBC Study by Tokyo University
ベラルーシのエートス計画では、医師も協力し、ホールボディーカウンター(WBC)によるモニタリングで内部被曝線量が下がるのを成功裡に記録して いたと言います(とはいっても最も大事な健康の改善はみられていなかったわけですが。エートスの章を参考にしてください。
In ETHOS Belarus, residents’ internal radiation had been measured with whole body counter and the report said that the figures were successfully decreased, though the most important health improvement was not reflected by it. Please see
WBC can measure only gamma rays and cannot detect alpha and beta rays, which are much more harmful on human bodies as internal exposure sources. To detect these, we need to conduct urine test.
As you probably know, in Minimisoma city, which is outside of evacuation zone, Dr. Masaharu Tsubokura from Tokyo University Medical Science Institute, measured the residents’ internal exposure using WBC and submitted the thesis to JAMA in August 2012 (
この論文の著者の東京大学医科学研究所の坪倉正治医師には、私も沖縄で2011年11月に放射能の勉強会でお会いしております。そこで私は直接氏に バンダジェフスキー論文を読んだことがあるかと聞いたところ、「読みました。実は私も大変困っています。福島では、人が食べるものは全数検査しなければい けないが、機材が足りません。」とおっしゃっていました。
I met Dr. Tsubokura in person at a radiation seminar held in Okinawa and directly asked him whether he had read paper by Dr. Bandazhevsky. His answer was, “Yes, I have. As a matter of fact, I feel troubled. Every food should be measured before the local residents would eat, but we do not have enough equipment.”
また、坪倉医師は、2012年2月に書いたご自身のブログにバ ンダジェフスキーの研究について言及しています。この中で、坪倉医師は、はっきりとバンダジェフスキーによれば、10Bq/kgー20Bq/kgで心臓に 影響が出ているという報告があるから、病院で心電図の検査もやり始めた、住民の長期的なフォローアップが必要であると記しています。
In Febrary 2012, Dr. Masaharu Tsubokura mentioned about Dr. Bandazhevsky’s study in his own blog, In here, he stated that long-time follow-up will be needed including electrocardiogram test for residents since there is a report by Bandazhevsky that says 10Bq/kgー20Bq/kg cesium concentration in body causes heart malfunction.
ところが、この坪倉医師の8月の研究報告では、大人でも小児でも最も高い人は50Bq/kg以上、10Bq/kgー20Bq/kg以上はざらに見ら れます。これは大変なことかと思いますが、なぜか論文の結論としては、これらのベクレルの体内濃度からシーベルトに換算し、1.07mSVを浴びた1人を 除いてすべての住民の実効預託線量は1mSV以下であり、被曝レベルは低いと結論されています。
According to the JAMA report by Dr. Tsubokura in August 2012, there were even people with more than 50Bq/kg and many with 10Bq/kgー20Bq/kg among adults and children. This figure is of grave concern itself in the light of Dr. Bandazhevsky’s study. However, strangely, the conclusion of Dr. Tsubokura’s study was the residents’ exposure level was low, with all the subjects’ exposure less than 1mSV with only one exception of 1.07mSV effective committed dose.
不思議なことに、その後坪倉氏がバンダジェフスキーをでたらめと言っているというサイトが作られていました。そのサイトの中では、上述の福島の地方 局TVユー福島の報道局長の大森真氏( sins.html参照)が、坪倉氏がバンダジェフスキーを酷評していたというコメントしているのです。坪倉医師が私に直接話したこととも、上述のネット で坪倉医師が書いたこととはまったく正反対の記述です。
However, quite strangely, an internet site was made in May 2012, saying that Bandazhevsky was denied by Dr. Tsubokura quite harshly ( This was stated by Mr. Makoto Omori(See, the chief of broadcast section at TV You Fukushima. What Mr. Omori was saying was quite contrary to the saying I heard from Dr. Tsubokura directly.
Nobody knows whether this cesium concentration in body came from initial exposure or food intake afterwards, but in any case, it would be a act of murder not to relocate residents making them breath contaminated air and consume contaminated foods.
このWBCを使った研究については、東京大学医科学研究所の上昌弘特任教授が責任者となっており、研究目的には、「原発災害で大きな影響を受けた福 島県浜通り地方において、住民の健康不安を解消する目的、および低線量被ばくを含む原発災害が人体へ及ぼす影響について調査するため、一般健診および健康 相談会を行う。」と書かれてあります。
As for the WBC study, Professor Masahiro Kami, Tokyo University Medical Science Institute, is in charge. Amazingly, the purpose of the study says;
“The purpose of this study is to conduct medical checkup and medical consultations to resolve anxiety of the residents in costal line area in Fukushima  greatly damaged by the nuclear disaster and to study the effects of nuclear disaster on human bodies including low-level radiation effects.”
It clearly stipulates the purpose as studying low-level radiation effects on human body! This is nothing but a human experiment using radiation!
Moreover, one of my friend’s acquaintances and my own acquaintance heard Professor Kami’s personal statement as follows;
“It would be impossible to evacuate residents in Fukushima City and Kohriyama City. I guess in the future, they would file a class action lawsuit.”
“Minamisoma City is at risk. “(Minamisoma is one of the cities along the costal area of Fukushima where the WBC study is being conducted by Professor Kami himself.)
In this area at risk, Professor Kami himself is conducting WBC study including local children and pregnant women with his subordinate doctor Masahiro Tsubokura. This is nothing but a recurrence of Unit 731 evil human experiment with prolonged time span.
As a matter of fact, Tokyo University Medical Science Institute used to be a hub for Unit 731 human experiment studies.
 I sincerely ask for international organizations to stop these Tokyo University doctors’ medical experiments and please relocate the residents in high risk area, especially pregnant women, children.

*Wholebody counter has been used for cover-up for the danger of internal exposure - Prof. Katsuhiko Yagasaki of Ryukyus University WBC

Tepco: no plan for Fukushima nuclear cleanup, don’t know what they’re doing 東電 - 福島原発事故処理の対応策なし!

VIDEO Anger mounts at Fukushima plant operator over radiation leaks      Anger is growing at the operators of Fukushima, as an increasing number of reports indicate that Japan’s crippled nuclear plant does not have radiation risks under control.
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which runs Fukushima, admitted on Monday that contaminated water could be leaking into the sea. The firm had persistently denied that this was the case, despite repeated warnings from nuclear experts and marine biologists.
Dale Klein, Chairman of the Nuclear Reform Monitoring Committee criticised the firm for how it has been communicating with the public:
“These actions indicate that you do not know what you’re doing, and that you do not have a plan, and you’re not doing all you can to protect the environment and the people,” Klein told TEPCO.  Anger is growing at the operators of Fukushima, as an increasing number of reports indicate that Japan’s crippled nuclear plant does not have radiation risks under control.

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which runs Fukushima, admitted on Monday that contaminated water could be leaking into the sea. The firm had persistently denied that this was the case, despite repeated warnings from nuclear experts and marine biologists.
Dale Klein, Chairman of the Nuclear Reform Monitoring Committee criticised the firm for how it has been communicating with the public:
“These actions indicate that you do not know what you’re doing, and that you do not have a plan, and you’re not doing all you can to protect the environment and the people,” Klein told TEPCO.

*TEPCO Told they are Incapable of handling Fukushima update 7/26/13
*TEPCO Finally Admits Radiation Spewing into Pacific Ocean. Fukushima update for last 10 days

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Fukushima thyroid testing & medical litigation misdiagnosed every time - 1billion Yen insurance at risk! Part 2
(Translation by Mia)
In Nihonmatsu-city in Fukushima prefecture the Fukushima Health Survey Team has been carrying out the thyroid examination for children since last fall. But many parents in Nihonmatsu-city had been feeling doubtful about the accuracy of the thyroid examination. Recently Mrs. Rui Sasaki who runs "Doho nursery school with her husband in Nihonmatsu-city organized the independent temporary clinic for the thyroid examination in her nursery school in response to many parents. Two of her children were also examined. One of her sons, Jushin got a different result-there is some abnormality were fund in his thyroid although according to the Fukushima Health Survey, it was A1. Not only her son, there are many other children got different results from the Fukushima Health Survey.
(1m10s) Mrs. Sasaki said, "I didn't trust the Fukushima Survey examination from the beginning because it only took 10 seconds to examine the thyroid, therefore they won't find anything wrong in the thyroid".
(Editor's comment)
A1 – there is no abnormality.
A2 – there is some cysts in the thyroid.
B1 – they are going to develop thyroid cancer or they already got thyroid cancer.

4m20s- 福島医大の理事長室で、話し合われたこと。
What was discussed in the Director's office in the Fukushima Medical University.

Mr. Abe: 甲状腺検査については今後、必ず誤診が出ると考えている。 その際の賠償問題が生じる。 現状では個人の損害賠償保険しかない状態であるが、本来は医大が、責任を持つべき問題だと、思う。個人が訴えられないように対応を、お願いしたい。
I’ve been thinking that there would be misleading diagnosis in the thyroid echo examination in the future for sure, by which compensation issue would arise. The current compensation policy covers only the individual. I think all doctors who examine the thyroid should be really covered under the Fukushima Medical University so that they wouldn't get sued by their patients. I would like to ask you to do something about that.

Mr. Fujishima:甲状腺検査の賠償責任保険は、個人で加入されているのとは、別に入っていただくことにしたい。
I would suggest that all doctors who give diagnoses for the thyroid examination to join a separate insurance to cover the cost for misleading diagnoses.

Mr. Abe:組織として加入する保険料については、負担するのか?
Do doctors need to pay for that?

Mr. Fujishima:県民健康管理センターの予算で、支払うことになると、思われる。また、県民健康管理センターには、リーガル部門が必要であるので、たいせいつくりを、検討している。
I suppose the cost for them to join the separate insurance would be covered by the budget from the Fukushima Health Management Center. I also think that legal department need to be set up within the Fukushima Health Management Center, so I’m working on that, too.

Later Mr. Fujishima’s suggestion was agreed with the Fukushima prefecture officials and decided to pay by the tax payer’s money.

6m30s- 誤診が発生した場合。 支払い限度額は10億円と設定されていた。Our planet TV acquired the document that says how to protect doctors legally when their misleading diagnoses were sued. 10 million yen (=1 billion yen?) was set up.

[Request for donation]
OurPlanet-TV is an independent media of non-profit still rare in Japan. He did not have any advertising revenue from the industrial technology. All costs associated with production is supported by membership dues and donations of individuals who He will cheer.
Click here for more info on this

*Fukushima thyroid testing & medical litigation misdiagnosed every time - 1billion Yen insurance at risk!

Thyroid Test and Silence of Doctors 甲状腺の健康調査結果と医師の沈黙!


Ms. Mari TAkenouchi is a freelance journalist, Anti-nuke translator and lives with her son in Naha-shi, Okinawa, Japan.


II 甲状腺の健康調査結果と医師たちによる沈黙
II: Thyroid Examination Results and Silence among Japanese Doctors
The most prominent example of health effects on Fukushima children is observed in the Fukushima prefectural health control survey for children under 18. Amazingly, thyroid cysts or cysts were observed among 43% of the subjects and among the girls between 6 to 10 years old, the figures exceed 50%.

この調査のリーダーの医師である山下俊一氏は、2000年に長崎でも250人の児童の甲状腺調査をしており、この時のう胞を保有していた児童はわず か2人(0.8%)でした。さらに若い人については転移についての危険性も過去の論文で発表しています。これに対して医師らは、現在のエコー検査機器の画 像は1mmあれば検出できるが、10年以上前のエコー検査の画像は粗いため、5mm以上でないと正確な比較ができないと言い逃れをしています。
The leader of this health survey team, Dr. Shunichi Yamashita had conducted thyroid echo tests on 250 children in Nagasaki in 2000, and only 2 (0.8%) were detected with cysts. However, Fukushima health survey team made an excuse that the current echo machine is more refined and can detect 1mm nodule image while the one in 10 years ago detected only 5mm or above.

そこで北海道がんセンター院長の西尾正道医師が、5.1mm以上ののう胞を比べたところ、福島では38114人中970人で2.54%であり、同じ 山下氏がチェルノブイリで事故10年後に行った調査では0.5%程度なので、事故1年半後の福島は、チェルノブイリの5倍も検出されているのです2。
As for this issue, Dr. Masamichi Nishio, the director of Hokkaido Cancer Center compared children with cysts more than 5.1mm in Fukushima one and half years after the accident with the one in Chernobyl 10 years after the accident. Dr. Nishio said that already 5 times more children are detected with cysts of 5.1mm or larger in Fukushima compared to Chernobyl and this figure could be bigger as the time elapses.
また、福島医大の内分泌外科教授鈴木真一が甲状腺ガンの進行が遅いと言っていますが、子供は進行が早いし、転移の可能性があることも留意しなければ なりません。また、放射線被曝で現れる症状は甲状腺ガンばかりではありません。放射線で引き起こされるのは甲状腺ガンだけではありません。肺がんその他の 呼吸器疾患も注意していかねばならないと思います。大量の放射性核種を吸入してしまった以上、当然呼吸器系の異常も予測されますし、現にチェルノブイリの 汚染地帯では呼吸器系疾患が多いと聞きます。5年間チェルノブイリの子供たちの医療支援をしてきた、現松本市長の菅谷医師は、「甲状腺ガン手術をした子供 たちの6人に1人がのちに肺がんに転移した」と言っています。
It is not only thyroid cancer which is caused by radiation. If people have inhaled a large amount of radionuclides, respiratory abnormalities surely can be predicted and I’ve heard and read that there have been many respiratory diseases observed in Chernobyl contaminated areas. According to Dr. Akira Sugenoya, who had worked in Belarus for 5 years for medical support, one in 6 thyroid cancer child patient later developed lung cancer.

甲状腺学会は、福島の子供の甲状腺検査を、県の医療機関以外で行ってはならないというセカンドオピニオンを求める声を遮断する行為を行っています。 それでも半年後に出現したというケースや、他の病院で検査を受けた福島の子供が、県の調査で受けたよりも多くののう胞が見つかったという例もあります。2年後の検査では、のう胞や結節の状態の悪化や、リンパへの転移なども危惧され、より頻繁に検査をする必要があります。また前述したように東京で5mmのの う胞で甲状腺ガンだった患者の例をとれば、大きさで判断するのは危険であり、大きさに関わらず、細胞診が受けられる体制を作るべきです。
Moreover, some medical circles send out more concrete messages. Thyroid Association announced a written notice to thyroid doctors in Japan not to conduct further thyroid tests on Fukushima children, which hampers the parents from getting second opinions or second test. However, some parents managed to get the second opinion and some found more nodules in their children’s thyroid. The interval of 2 years for the next examination may become too late for some patients considering the possibility of aggravation of cysts and nodules, metastasis of cancer to lymph and other tissues. Also as I mentioned before, there was a patient whose nodule was only 5mm and cancer was found. Irrespective of the size, biopsy should be available.

しかし、その後驚くニュースが流れたのですが、その前から関係者間で会の存在自体も口止めされていた秘密会が行われたと言います。甲状腺ガン第一号 の発表の前には、「被曝による甲状腺異常ではない」とする模擬の質疑応答の練習までなされ、このことが公になってから、委員会長の山下俊一氏が謝罪すると いう事態にまで及びました3。
On September 11, 2012, regretfully, the first thyroid cancer patient was found only a road outside of the evacuation zone. At the announcement of this sad news, the causal relationship with the radiation was denied promptly by the committee members of the prefecture. 
However, immediately after this announcement, it was revealed that secret meetings had been held among the committee members and the members were told not to reveal the existence of the meeting (

Before the announcement of the 1st thyroid cancer patient, members were practicing how to be prepared to answer questions so that they could deny the causal relationship between radiation and thyroid abnormalities7, and eventually, Dr. Shunichi Yamashita, the committee leader apologized on this incident (

そしてその後、もうひとり甲状腺ガンの疑いがある子供が1人発生しましたが、なぜかその子供の2次検査の結果がどうであったか、まったく報道がされ ず、福島県の福島県民健康調査担当者に聞いても「結果はしばらく前には出ていると思いますが、私たちのほうでは結果を知らされておりません。」と回答をも らえませんでした。私の知人の医師は、この2人目の子供がガンであったことを聞いており、さらに3人目の未成年者の甲状腺ガンが発生したことを、患者を直 接知っていて把握しています。しかし1人目以降の福島の子供の甲状腺ガンは伏せられているのです!
Even more serious issue is that the government stopped announcement of further thyroid cancer cases. There was a additional case of a child who needed further testing in 2011 October, but the result has been concealed. On my telephone inquiry, the person in charge at Fukushima prefecture health examination told me, “We are not aware of the result, though the result should have been released sometime ago.” On top of that a doctor I know directly know the case of another child who got thyroid cancer in Fukushima. In total, at least three children got thyroid cancer in Fukushima, but only one case has been released so far.

とうとう悲しい知らせが2013年2月13日に訪れました。ネットとローカルニュースで(全国放送でなぜかやらない)38000人の福島の子供たち の検査の結果、合計3名の甲状腺がんが出て手術をしたというのです。子供の甲状腺がんは国立がんセンターのデータでは、10万人に0.6人程度なので、 18万人なら「1人」が平均的ですから、その約10倍に当たります。しかも他に7人の子どもたちにガンが強く疑われているというのです。
A sad news came finally on February 13, it was reported on the net and local news that 3 thyroid cancer patients were found among Fukushima children out of 38000 who had gone through medical inspection. Compared to the regular thyroid cancer incident rate among children with 1 out of 180000 according to National Cancer Center data, so this is approcimately10 times high! Moreover, 7 more children are now highly suspected to have cancer among the above children.

This is such a scandal and I believe this could be on the top news in the world. However, since the sole state-owned TV station NHK, has not broadcasted on Fukushima children’s thyroid examination itself, this scandal is amazingly not known to public.

それどころか、この被災地の市民から最も非難されている山下俊一医師は、元日本医師会長で世界医師会長でもあった武見太郎氏の名前にちなんだ「武見 記念賞」を2012年12月に受賞しました。米国からは全米放射線防護委員会NCRPの名誉会長Warren K. Sinclair氏の名前にちなんだ基調講演「福島原発事故と総合的健康リスク管理」を、事故から2年目の2013年3月11日に行いました。なんという 皮肉でしょうか。 WKS.pdfが立て続けに送られています。
On the contrary, Dr. Shunichi Yamashita, who has been gathering the most criticisms from the citizens by nuclear accident affected areas, was honored with “Dr. Takemi Memorial Award” (Dr. Takemi is the name of former president of Japan Medical Association and also World Medical Association) in December 2012. This simple fact shows how medical associations are corrupt with interested groups.
Dr. Yamashita was also chosen as the speaker for Warren K. Sinclair Keynote Address (Dr. Sinclair is the NCRP President Emeritus) on this coming March 11, 2013, 2 years after the nuclear accident.  How ironic this is!

さて、この3.11の山下俊一米国講演会ですが、発表の64ページ /203_Ann_Mtg/Yamashita.pdfで、非常に重要な発言がありました。福島事故後に、若い男性でも肝臓機能障害や高尿酸血が、そして 成人や年配者で高血圧、グルコース代謝不全、腎不全が増加していると発表しました。今現在起きている健康障害は、一番大事な問題であり、本来であれば予防 原則にのっとるべきであるのに、山下氏は、何の根拠もなく、すべて生活の変化や精神的ストレスのせいにしており、放射線による原因はあえて避けています。 上記の症状は、チェルノブイリの汚染地帯でも見られた症状です。
In Dr. Yamashita’s March 11 speech, there was an important report on health damages. (See page 64 of Liverdysfunction and hyperuricemia were increased among young male and hypertension, glucose dysmetabolism, renal dysfunciton were increased among adulthood especially aged people. These factual health hazards should be the most pressing issue, which should be focused. However, Dr. Yamashita attributes these symptoms to solely change of life styles and mental stress, avoiding radiation effects purposefully. These symptoms were commonly observed in contaminated Chernobyl areas.

また、同講演会では、チェルノブイリで明確に起きていた遺伝子レベルの異常についても話されました。FOXE1という遺伝子に、放射能による甲状腺 がんとの因果関係が明確な異常が観察されており、山下医師は2010年にこの研究論文の執筆者の一人でもあります。 ( の24ページ) 山下氏は、日本においてはこの問題に全く触れません。そして福島では、遺伝子の検査は全く行われておりません。
In the same presentation, Dr. Yamashi mentioned about the genetic abnormality confirmed in Chernobyl. FOXE 1 has been observed as a genetic deteriminant for thyroid cancer and Dr. Yamashita was one of the authors for the 2010 study. ( page 24) However, he never mentioned about it in Japan and never conducted any genetic tests of Fukushima residents.

これは、遺伝子レベルで福島の住民を検査したならば、放射能との因果関係が明白になってしまうため、隠ぺい工作として日本では沈黙しているのではな いかと考えます。こうしている間にも、汚染地帯の子供たちには遺伝子レベルで悪影響が及ぼされているに違いないのです。これはまさに医師や科学者らの、国 家権力に加担した犯罪だと思います。
I believe that Dr. Yamashita keeps his silence regarding this genetic study in fear that the apparent adiation effects on Fukushima residents could be revealed through genetic test results. Meanwhile, children in Fukushima are being exposed to radiation day to day, with their genes being affected by radiation. I simply believe this is a crime by doctors/scientists who take the side of state power.

山下俊一医師のような人が、日本甲状腺学会の会長であること、またWHO放射線緊急医療準備・応答ネットワークの所長であることは非常に危険な話か と存じます。と言いますのも、山下医師は事故直後に、「100μSv/hに達するまでは外に出ても全く問題ない」と発表して、その10日後に、 「10μSV/hの言い間違えであった」と訂正したくらいのお粗末ぶりだからです。
Truly, it is a very scary fact that a doctor like Shunichi Yamashita is the President of the Japan Thyroid Association and Director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Research on Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Response Network. He was the one who told Fukushima residents, “It is no problem to be outside until the air dose will reach 100 micro Sv/h,” and corrected himself 10 days later on March 22, saying, “It was 10 micro Sv/h, not 100 micro Sv/h. I apologizes.”

もうひとつ、知り合いの医師から驚くべき話を聞いております。その医師の話では、被ばく医療シンポジウムで放射線指導医が「首の動脈硬化の超音波検 査の時、結節等所見があっても、検査技師には甲状腺の写真や記録を残すな。」と講演したと言います4。所見を書くなとは見たことのない、通達であったと言 います。これのみでなく、この医師によれば、病院内で、放射線被曝の話題を避けるような自己規制は広くみられると言います。放射能汚染された日本で、現場 の医師たちがこの問題に真剣に取り組まないことは、非常に危機的なことかと思います。
Moreover, I heard quite an amazing story, from a doctor I know. According to him, at a radiation related symposium for medical workers, a radiation expert doctor stated in his speech, “At the time of echo examination for arteriosclerosis in neck area, tell the echo technician not to leave a photo or written record of thyroid even if a cyst is found there.” According to this doctor, he has never heard of this kind of restriction since he became a doctor decades before. Not only that, he mentioned that similar kinds of self –restraints are widely observed in hospitals avoiding the topic of radiation exposure. It is quite a matter of concern that Japanese doctors themselves avoid the issues of radiation exposure in their daily practices in this contaminated land.
1. Fukushima prefecture thyroid test progress and result as of November 1, 2012 (Japanese)

*Fukushima thyroid testing & medical litigation misdiagnosed every time - 1billion Yen insurance at risk!

*Fukushima thyroid testing & medical litigation misdiagnosed every time - 1billion Yen insurance at risk! Part 2