
Dear all,

Thank you all for visiting, reading and sharing the news with me on the Fukushima Appeal Blog. I’ve kept it running since February 2012. Unfortunately, I will need some break now to attend to some of my health issues.

I would like to thank this blog and its supporters for giving me an opportunity to become a part of the slowly awakening global community during this very important time of global change. I had zero knowledge of nuclear before the Fukushima disaster, and was and still am a just normal citizen. It’s been hard to see Japan becoming a criminal, immoral and authoritarian country since the Fukushima Disaster. So it’s been a huge awakening and healing process to have a platform to speak out instead of feeling powerless, angry and sad about it. With the new secret law that is going to be introduced in Japan soon, Japanese people will need more help than at any other time in its history from foreign bloggers, doctors and scientists. Please remember Fukushima. I hope that the more difficulties we may encounter, the stronger and connected we will become to fight against injustice and be able to act from our heart space. (Mia)

日本の皆さん、がんばってください。 再稼動反対、子供を守れ! 1mSv/yの約束を守れ!

For more Fukushima update go to:,,,,,

Petition: Support Mari Takenouchi and Radiation Protection

日 本の皆様へ、個人的な感情面から、竹ノ内真理さんのことを批判したい方は、すでにそうしたのだから、これからは、その時間とエネルギーをエートス批判に向 けるべきではないでしょうか? そしてボランテイアで、海外に向けて、英語発信する真理さんは、海外の情報源にとって、貴重な存在だと思います。 (Mia)



Urgent Petition: ttp://

National Parents Network to Protect Children from Radiation

I hope that every child in Japan is given comprehensive thyroid blood testing including at the minimum TSH, Free T4, Free T3 and thyroid antibodies. Their thyroid function should be regularly tested on an ongoing basis. “ By Dana Trentini

*latest Fukushima Thyroid examination results released on Nov 12. (Complete English translation) (Source)
National Parents Network to Protect Children from Radiation

*Fuel Removal From Fukushima's Reactor 4 Threatens 'Apocalyptic' Scenario In November, TEPCO set to begin to remove fuel rods whose radiation matches the fallout of 14,000 Hiroshima bombs

*Kashiwazaki Nuclear Plant: Fukushima Governor stands in the way to stop restarting! 柏崎原発:再稼動させないよう立ちはだかる新潟県知事泉田氏

*Statement: Japanese civil society requests that the reports of the United Nations Scientific Committee on Fukushima be revised 日本の64の市民団体が福島事故に関しての国連科学の報告内容を改訂するよう要請 www. tivity/area/worldwide/japanese-civil-society-requests-that-the-reports-of-the-united-nations-scientific-committee-on-fukus/

Anand Grover, Esq., UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, criticizes UNSCEAR report on Fukushima -10/24/2013 (1 of 4)国連「健康に対する権利」の特別報告者のアナンド・グローバー氏: 国連科学の報告を批判 Video - October 24, 2013 (NYC, NY)

*Medical experts criticize UNSCEAR report for playing down consequences of Fukushima nuclear accident ドイツの専門家が国連科学の報告書を、「福島事故の影響を過小評価している」と批判!

*Frightening Report from the UNSCEAR (The United nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation UNSCEAR-国連科学委員会による、恐るべき報告

*Heavily Criticized Recent WHO Report on Health Risk Assessment from the Fukushima Disaster 厳しく批判された最近の福島事故による健康被害についてのWHO報告

*UN Report – Japanese Delegation to The UN Spreads Lies and Deception! 国連報告書2013年4月  国連への日本政府代表団のうそとごまかし! 抗議締め切り517日!

*まとめ:国連報告書2013年4月  国連への日本政府代表団のうそとごまかし! 抗議締め切り517

*A letter to all young athletes who dream of coming to Tokyo in 2020 東京オリンピックを目指している若い選手の方々へ Some Facts You Should Know About Fukushima 0.086Bq/kg was normal amount of ionizing radiation in fish before the Fukushima accident. Now it is 100Bq/kg 1160times more radioactive.

Fukushima Petitions ☢ Please Sign and Share! Japan needs Worldwide Help NOW! Stop Fukushima Radiation – UN Action Needed

Mobilize the U.N. Security Council to declare Fukushima a global emergency;

*Tokyo radiation is worse than Gomel - Mika Noro’s speech on the impact of radiation in Japan

*Police arrest animal rescuers inside Fukushima evacuation zone — “They cannot be contacted and are being charged with crimes”

Resistance posted by Ian Thomas Ash, a director of Fukushima Documantary Film "A2-B-C"

As one does not train with weight that is too light,….. And as I write this, I realize something for the first time: the more I embrace the resistance, the more I am becoming it.


(Japanese translation)

*Fukushima Farmers negotiate with Japanese Government/Tepco 福島農家の若者、政府と東電に対して勇気ある発言 The current government limit is 100Bq/kg... 0.1Bq/kg for cesium in rice before the Fukushima disaster. … We feel guilty about growing it and selling it...

*Atomic bombs survivors received fair compensation, not so in Fukushima!


The Japanese Gov recognizes radiation related illnesses!

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Deposition to UNESCO from a nuclear researcher and UK based blogger - DEAD LINE TODAY!

by Arclight2011part2
published by
I live in the UK and just over 2 Years ago I was working as a London motorcycle despatch rider, delivering small but urgent supplies around the UK. Even though there was a difficult financial position in the country I was doing well and had a stable financial situation and my Taxes and debts were being well-managed.
Then in March 2011, there was a disaster at Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant. As a European with experience of Chernobyl, I expected that milk and leafy vegetables would be off the menu for a few months while the iodine 131 became inert. But that didn’t happen, even though Euractive reported that pregnant women and young children avoid milk and leafy vegetables. Though CRIIRAD of France reported this issue in 12 April 2011, no other media reported it and so these vulnerable groups in Europe or America were not informed and were put at risk.
I decided that in mid April of 2011, as the media censorship began, to begin to blog and research the actual situation on the ground in Japan and elsewhere. I discovered layers of cover ups and lies. So I attempted to find the truth of the matter for myself with my fellow bloggers on
I began posting on for a year or so and had been personally hacked twice concerning my mobile phone and found out that after being hacked by a private person/s that an investigation had been started on me instead of the offending IP address that Vodaphone had captured of one of the hackers. My other hack was by the Police and was admitted to me via my local Police station in Twickenham. I have crime numbers for both these incidents.
Also, my British Telecom land line and broadband had a ” box” fitted after i changed a modem and i was told this by an Indian out of hours phone worker. After that call i was unable to access the out of hours service and had to wait to sort out problems Monday to Friday and only during office hours.
During this initial period I started to support Christopher Busby the scientist. As I tried to blog his videos articles etc, situations such as having my broadband switched off and on other occasions I developed internet problems. This resulted in me having to post an urgent article on the blog by going to the local library and using that on an anonymous “visitors pass” to use the internet.
After I signed on to my blog and posted the article the library computer screen “jumped” around about after 5 minutes, but i had posted the article.. The next time I went to use the Library (Teddington) they had changed their policy and had been told by the Richmond Council IT manager to NOT use the temporary passes. You have to input your ID into the system first , rendering the Library system useless to activist posters and researchers in the UK who are on the Domestic Extremist Database (NDEU).
I also sent researched information to various NGO`s in support of their aims and objectives ie. CRIN UK and various Japanese NGO`s
My mobile was hacked by non government sources and my data charges went up as they were repeatedly checking the emails via my phone. The Vodaphone engineer recommended I turn off my mobile data as that would be the only way it could be stopped. This limited my access to Facebook, Twitter and other sources of instant media contact.
I tried getting a new phone and sim. This was effective for 2 days . My texts and connection got worse after a call to my friend.
After i started posting on in September 2012, I was targeted by Aviva insurance for massive rate hikes and threats to dissolve cover giving me no valid reasons . This stopped me paying a tax bill and threatened my work situation. Aviva insures the nuclear industry.
It might also be worth pointing out that the heads of Military Intelligence 5 and 6 are offered directorships on Insurance and financial corporations as well as supplying security advice and logistics as well as a way into TEMPORA/PRISM to mitigate insurance liabilities such as at the Fukushima Daichi nuclear meltdowns and the BP Gulf oil spill.
MI5 now overseas the Domestic Extremist database in the UK.
I was placed on the Domestic extremist database and have had unfair treatment, I believe, resulting in points and fines for minor motoring infractions. This never happened before as I had a clean licence and good insurance history. I was also a priority driver due to the nature of my work with the NHS etc.
I have received unusual threatening phone calls from Aviva Insurance underwriters too. It is worth noting, and worryingly, Aviva were able to cancel my insurance by text as I was riding my motorbike whilst i was delivering urgent blood to the NHS laboratories. I only discovered it when I got home some hours later. If I had gone past an ANPR camera I would have immediately lost the motorcycle according to UK law. To get the insurance cover, I had a quote of a 300 percent increase in my motorcycle work policy and no real answers as to why? I had to accept the decision or have no insurance.
My home line dialled the police phone number even though I typed in a USA number.
The police intercepted an outgoing call and answered it pretending to be one of my employers (the Daily Mail)
I had my online Vodaphone account hacked for data information and then was blocked for getting in as a spiteful action (likely by private security for the energy companies).
Friends have unusual internet problems and wonder if it is me to blame. This loses me friends as friends withdraw to protect themselves. This includes family too.
Many of my anti nuke and human rights websites I contact have strange problems and are obviously hacked or their email doesn’t work.
Some video evidence of that here;
I have had a number of emails accounts hacked including one based in Iceland (that i thought was safe). Also, emails I send to people probably often do not get there or I do not often get a reply.
my emails seem to work well enough with people I contact regularly but not always but I think that people I contact now and again may not receive mail. It’s really hard to tell but I rarely get a courtesy “received” email or reply.. I have very long delays sometimes on online messaging services. Odd problems with You Tube occur as well, especially disappearing comments and personal messages.
There is some hard evidence of email blocking .
I had a computer burn out and the following week I saw someone messing remotely with my other computer. Afterwards the other computers registry had been corrupted to stop the internet working (i actually saw the remote operator accessing windows programmes and saw the mouse moving on its own volition). I quickly learnt Linux on a newly acquired laptop and have seen a number of improvements.
I also recieved a similar email to the Bahraini activists who found FINSPY attached. I unfortunately opened the email on the hacked and now completely destroyed Windows OS computer.
I also, strongly believe that the security services or some private contractor contacted one of my main employers and got me laid off for posting a George Galloway MP article. There is some good evidence for this.
I have now got to the point of being made homeless and owing debts. I had arranged to sort out the debts in 3 months but the financial organisations reneged on the agreements and I have got many calls and letters even though no court judgements are yet in place. Though that will change soon. Then the debt collection firms will target me.
I will have to live rough and earn only cash jobs. This limits my options in the recession hit UK. I feel that I want to stay and fight this oppression in the UK as it is worrying how someone’s life can be ruined at the touch of a button, a phone call or a keystroke. I have friends and family in the UK and want to fight for their freedoms and privacies as well as others.
It might be worth noting that I was refused insurance for a camper van by 6 insurance companies.
As someone who has done an MA level university course in psychology (Brunel UK) i feel i should comment on the psychological impacts of these strategies on the poor unsuspecting blogger or journalist.
During the course of my blogging i have been fortunate to talk with professional journalists who have commended me on accumulating articles that the main stream media misses. They may not agree with everything I post but they appreciate at least some of my research. They have told me that they are unable to write the sort of posts i present as the media outlets will not touch anything that might effect the advertisers or costs from legal challenges by corporations and governments. This leaves Journalists fearing for their jobs, mortgages, at risk of intimidation and in some cases worrying for their lives.
This leaves the blogger posting from safer countries as the means of getting neglected news to the masses. Many of these articles are to do with human rights and censored subjects such as nuclear issues as well as a raft of other areas to do with health, rights and well being.
As the blogger gets noticed by the censors, it appears that he or she will receive more overt surveillance practises such as echo on the phone or disruption of the internet. This would be the first stages of open harassment by the state.
The next level of surveillance appears to be things like hacking on-line phone accounts and intercepting calls and the police pretending to be employers (to acquire information or just plain terrify the person targeted). In my case it would appear that private security firms can get involved at this stage, with separate data mining operations as well as the national security services efforts.
The third level is a direct action approach using subtle threats during phone calls and financial attack using any weaknesses. In my case this was very successful and made me homeless and un-creditworthy (after many years of successful business) within about 6 months.
For anyone thus attacked they will then have to rely on their friends and family. But there is a dilemma. In an age of well published state hacking, especially in the UK, where extremists families and friends will be targeted for “Data mining” as had happened to me and others.
Some evidence has become apparent that my family in Norway were targeted to let me know the reach of this surveillance and hacking system .
Of course for most bloggers doing this sort of work need to consider the people around them and have to withdraw contact for the privacy and safety of their friends and family. Even encrypted emails show a link that can be assessed by a security analyst. This sort of power sends a chilling effect to people around activists in the UK.
And a normal response might be to find like minded people or groups  to get support from, but there is so much politics and differing aims and objectives that not all activists are catered for within the limited fractured groups. Also, the UK police have been placing agitators in these groups rendering them largely untrustworthy by most activists.

So many activists and bloggers are forced to work largely on their own with little protection from excess policing or targeting by private security firms employed by states and corporations.
Here is an example of the director of an Australian Uranium mining company called Palladin using the services of a UK based legal corporate firm called Ashursts attacking the blog i post on at The attack is aimed at the 75 year old retired owner. had only 130 subscribers worldwide at the time! The newspaper had to withdraw the article in support of the bloggers right to freedom of expression.
This legal matter is ongoing, but will it may effect our position as being in good standing with google, to being filtered out, even without a court case?
The UK is also bringing in an internet filter that may be used to block access to certain websites including those deemed “extremist”, the same word that is used in connection with many community and environmental groups etc. Indeed the same word that has obviously been applied to me also.
This will have a particular chilling effect on our young people if they are denied the alternative voice and have to rely on corporate and government guided media for their information concerning national and world issues until they are 18. The loose definition of words and meanings cause fear and uncertainty and cause alarm concerning the informed intellectual capacity of our youth in the future..
Added to the fact that the media is often showing these groups in the worst light to the public at large, this further alienates the activist or blogger from friends and potential allies. Information that these bloggers try to get out is slandered as the catch all “conspiracy” theory or simply ill informed. Added to that powerful media outlets pour out  stories as counter claim against activists concerns without the opportunity for balanced informed and unmoderated democratic discussion.
I will stop here concerning the psychological impacts on individuals and groups as this part of my deposition requires too much space and i suspect UNESCO has a few psychologists and sociologists that will add to this UNESCO report i am sure.
I hope this deposition will reach you and I hope it will be useful to for your report.
Can you confirm your remit or limitations on this deposition concerning the anti nuclear activists component in particular? And send me a note of confirmation of receipt of this email?
This is the link i am worrying about and hope that i will not be censored owing to “certain limitations”.
“…The International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognize that they may find it necessary to apply certain limitations for the safeguarding of confidential information furnished to them…”
Many thanks for your efforts on behalf of bloggers and journalists
Yours sincerely

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