児玉龍彦氏(東大教授)と討論 投稿者 z1afa9fa75
Dr. Tatsuhiko Kodama, Tokyo University Radioisotope CenterIMPORTANT!! 重要
"Meanwhile, gene studies are accurate. Among thyroid cancer patients in Chernobyl contaminated areas, their chromosome 7q11 become three pieces, which cannot be observed among other types of thyroid cancer patients." (11 minute)
The evacuation of Fukushima children is the most pressing issue.
I really do not understand why the world organizations such as UN, etc are not making any move.
(On the contrary, I heard that the UN is now preparing a report to convince the public that there have been no health damages due to Fukushima radiation!)
Today, on twitter, I just heard that many kids who went through surgery in Fukushima were found to have not only thyroid cancer but also metastasis in his/her lymphs though their thyroid cancer size were reported to be small.
There had been some information that there was metastasis in the child's lung, but actually, it was metastasis in his/her lymph. As a matter of fact, as far as my acquaintace knows, there are two children who already got metastasis in their lymphs.
It is a matter of urgency to evacuate children from contaminated areas as soon as possible.
また、県立福島高校では、事故のあった年に2人の突然死が出ました。(TVユー福島 -TUFというローカルな放送局の報道局長の大森真氏が、騒ぎを鎮静化するため、なんとツイッターで一人は交通事故死であったという嘘をばらまきました。 TUFは大森氏の虚偽の発信を認めたものの、謝罪はしていません。)
In Fukushima Prefectural High School, two students died of illnesses (one was sudden death) in the year of the accident. (However, TUF-TV You Fukushima, local TV station's broadcasting chief Mr. Makoto Omori, tweeted a lie saying that the second student died due to traffic accident to calm down the case. TUF admitted that Mr. Omori lied on the twitter but never apologized for it.)
In this August, two students were found to have thyroid cancer out of total number of 959 students in the same school!
もうすでに、この8月には福島県の子供たちに43人もの甲状腺がんと疑いが出ていま す。まだ2次検査が済んでない子供たちの割合から計算すると、この数は100名を超すはずで、もともと100万人に1人から、数十万人に1人と言われる甲 状腺がんが、1万人にすでに3.7人の割合で出ているのです。
However, Fukushima Medical University and other governmental or municipality related organizations are saying they have to wait for further epidemiological data while letting children breathe in contaminated air!!!私は一人の幼児を持つ母親ですが、これは母親の感覚からすれば、ありえない話です。
I am a mother of an infant and this is quite unbelievable thing from an eye of an ordinary mother!
既に初期被曝をしていて甲状腺がんもその他の健康被害も出てしまった後ですが(安倍首 相がオリンピックの招致の演説で話した、「健康被害は昔も今も将来もない」というのは、事実ではありません)、さらなる被曝を少しでも防ぐために、汚染地 帯の子供は非汚染地帯に移住させるべきです。
In order to prevent further exposure to radiation, children in contaminated areas should be relocated first though they have already been exposed to initial dose and thyroid abnormality rate has been increased. (Prime Minister Abe's statement in front of IOC members, "There have been and will be no health damages," is NOT TRUE.)
At the same time, we need to clarify whether the Fukushima kids cancer had been caused by radiation or not THROUGH GENE TESTS!実際に東京大学のアイソトープ総合センター所長の児玉龍彦教授もつぎのように言っています。
As a matter of fact, the director of Tokyo University Radioisotope Center, Mr. Tatsuhiko Kodama said the following.
"Epidemiology and statistics research results come only after people got victimized by radiation. In order to protect children and pregnant women, we cannot wait for epidemiological research results."
"Meanwhile, gene studies are accurate. Among thyroid cancer patients in contaminated areas, their chromosome 7q11 become three pieces, which cannot be observed among other types of thyroid cancer patients."
Now the same progam is being conducted in Fukushima backed by the same people. 昨年秋、私のもとには、福島のある幼いご兄弟がほぼ同時に白血病にかかり、母親が錯乱状態になっているという話を聞きました。
Last year, I heard that there was a mother in Fukushima whose 2 young sons developed leukemia almost simultaneously and she got devastated.
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